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Sneaking in Some Studying

Writer: jpleonepaulkjpleonepaulk

Updated: Jul 15, 2018

If your kids are anything like mine they are only interested in two things this summer playing with their electronics OR playing outside.  As a parent, I prefer they choose the latter, and I found some great ways to practice the skills they've learned from the school year.  I'm talking about Reading and Math games that will allow them to review their skills without them even realizing it.

Interested in strengthening their skills in reading? Check out this site with 15 different activities kids of all ages can do.


Do your kids struggle with math? How about teaching them one of the 10 outdoor activities listed on this site to strengthen their skills?


Have you used any other "tricks" to help your kids review their skills without them knowing?  Take a minute to share them with us and the community. We'd love to hear from you! Knowledge is power and by sharing we all have the opportunity to help each other out.  


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